hwTimer - alter the passage of time for its children


Lifetime 2F Range of time for which this hwTimer is effective
Equation *F Polynomial equation for the alteration of time
CycleTime 1F How long does it take to cycle from 0 to 1? If 0, it doesn't cycle
Children *O List of objects affected by the timer
Invisible 1B Is this timer invisible?
Visibility 1I Visibility mask for use with hwDisplay->setVisibility


Lifetime {0,1e38}
Equation {0,1} # That is, 0*X^0 + 1*X^1, or identity
CycleTime 0.0
Children NULL
Invisible False
Visibility 0xFFFFFFFF


The hwTimer class can be used to change time for its children from a strict 1:1 realtime ratio to whatever polynomial equation is desired. For example, to "freeze" time at a given value, say, 42, merely create an hwTimer object whose equation is {42}. The equation is interpreted using the following algorithm:

        /* Compute sum of polynomial */
        Tsum = 0.0;
        for( i = 0; i < Length(Equation); i++ ) {
            Tsum = Tsum + Equation[i] * pow( RealTime, (double)i );

        RealTime = Tsum;

In other words, a polynomial equation. The Lifetime parameter specifies the range of real time over which this hwTimer object operates; if real time is outside this range, the hwTimer object and its children do not display. The CycleTime parameter specifies how long it takes for the hwTimer object to cycle back to (relative) T = 0. If a CycleTime is specified, time will cycle from Lifetime[0] to Lifetime[0]+CycleTime.


    # Pause time for the children of this object, for 10 seconds starting
    # 100 seconds into time
    hwTimer {
        Lifetime = {100,110}
        Equation = {100}        # In other words, make T = 100.0 seconds
        Children = {
            hwSpinner {
                UpType = HW_SPIN_LINEAR
                UpParams = {0,360}
                CycleTime = 5
                Children = {
                    hwFile {
                        FileName = "foo.gfx"

